Alternatives Behavioral Group, Inc. is a center dedicated to providing the community of South Florida with mental health, psychological evaluations, and rehabilitation services. We are equipped with a team of caring and experienced professionals to serve children, adolescents, adults, and the geriatric populations. We bring our services to the comfort of your home via telemedicine, and we also provide services at our facilities located in Miami and Boca Raton.
This practice is committed to providing quality services and support to those seeking assistance with mental health problems, phase of life issues, as well as psychological testing and evaluations. We count on a unique team of professionals with expertise in the field of psychology. We hold high standards for the quality of service that we offer, and we make certain that our providers are up to date with academic training and most current techniques to promote optimal results.
Our Mission
At Alternatives Behavioral Group, we hold client service as our top priority. We hire staff who are passionate and committed to improve the wellbeing of others. Teamwork and continuous growth are the key components of our philosophy. We offer a comprehensive approach to healing, where a variety of expertise and services are offered to fulfill a wide spectrum of needs. Our mission is to make our services available to all segments of our community and promote emotional wellness and optimal quality of life for all.